Reef Documentation

Reef is a modular layer 1 blockchain for DeFi, NFTs and gaming. It is built with Substrate, has EVM support and uses Nominated Proof of Stake consensus.

Get started

Open-source GPL3 Licensed. GitHub

Solidity support

Port your existing DeFi applications from Ethereum to Reef without modifying the Solidity code.


Reef has higher transaction throughput than legacy Ethereum, and is more efficient with blockchain storage.


Reef's WASM runtime is self-upgradable. New features, security updates and performance optimizations are applied with fork-less scheduled updates.

EVM extensions

Reef extends EVM with native token bridge, scheduled calls (ie. recurring payments), and smart contract in-place code upgrades.

Reef staking

Participate in Reef chain validation, upgrades and governance and earn rewards on your staked Reef tokens.

Fee burn

All activity on Reef chain, such as minting or selling NFTs, trading tokens and transacting on chain has associated fees. REEF from the transaction fees is burned.