
Create your Reef chain account and link it with your Ethereum address.

New accounts

Each account has a unique private key. You should never share your private key or seed with anyone.

You can create a new random mnemonic and corresponding SR25519 keypair with reef-node key generate:

./reef-node key generate --words 12
Secret phrase `any member stadium combine company grass jar wood brown second blame rocket` is account:
  Secret seed:      0xf087a7ebb71070624fede0758ed46facf24eddef78e2c4a96e3d0e6ee934472a
  Public key (hex): 0xf47813a285f917a3c2a3eae00d94f1158761ad5105261e98bceb050ad8871638
  Account ID:       0xf47813a285f917a3c2a3eae00d94f1158761ad5105261e98bceb050ad8871638
  SS58 Address:     5HbFDCvjGmG2VRae2KN6kkYbYaspfdGb5n7LtZf1FfqvNrDt

The SS58 Address is your wallet address. You can use it to receive payments and check your balances/activity on the block explorer.

Inspect an existing account

If you already have a mnemonic or random seed you can use it to obtain corresponding SR25519, ED25519 or ECDSA keypairs:

./reef-node key inspect --scheme sr25519 \
  "any member stadium combine company grass jar wood brown second blame rocket"
Secret phrase `any member stadium combine company grass jar wood brown second blame rocket` is account:
  Secret seed:      0xf087a7ebb71070624fede0758ed46facf24eddef78e2c4a96e3d0e6ee934472a
  Public key (hex): 0xf47813a285f917a3c2a3eae00d94f1158761ad5105261e98bceb050ad8871638
  Account ID:       0xf47813a285f917a3c2a3eae00d94f1158761ad5105261e98bceb050ad8871638
  SS58 Address:     5HbFDCvjGmG2VRae2KN6kkYbYaspfdGb5n7LtZf1FfqvNrDt

EVM Account

Now that we have a Reef Chain account, we need to link an EVM account to it. This can be done by either generating a default EVM address or importing an existing Ethereum address.

Reef chain accounts are based on SR25519 and their public keys (addresses) are encoded with SS58. Example Reef chain address:


Ethereum accounts are based on ECDSA and their public keys (addresses) are hex encoded. Example Ethereum or Reef chain EVM address:


Generating a default EVM address

Generating an EVM address is easy. All we have to do is use EVM, and an address will be auto-generated and assigned to our account on the first EVM call.

Alternatively, we can generate the default address manually by calling the evmAccounts.claimDefaultAccount() function. This will create an EVM address for our Reef chain account.

To see our EVM address we can call evmAccounts.evmAddresses(AccountId).

Check out this guide on how to generate and check an EVM address within EVM playground UI.

Linking an existing Ethereum address

If you would like to import your existing Ethereum address into Reef chain, and assign it to your Reef Account you can call the evmAccounts.claimAccount(eth_address, eth_signature) function. A valid signature is needed to verify the ownership of the address.

Developer accounts

For developers working on Developers working on Reef chain (starting the node with --dev flag) also have access to standard dummy accounts (alice, bob, charlie…) that are pre-funded with REEF.

The mnemonic for those accounts is: bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk

Accounts can be accessed through subkey scheme like so:

bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk//Alice
bottom drive obey lake curtain smoke basket hold race lonely fit walk//Bob

Testnet accounts

To create a testnet account simply generate a key with the extension or Reef node cli.

Then request testnet REEF from the chatbot. To get 2000 REEF testnet tokens, join us in Reef’s Discord server. Verify your account, then select the Builder role in 📋┊start-here. You will get access to the Reef chain testnet faucet in 🚰┊faucet.