
Reef chain developer tools and resources.

Reef Apps

Reef comes with multiple open-source apps that are ready to use:

Reef Developer Ecosystem

Reef browser extension

Reef browser extension is like Metamask for Reef chain. The developer documentation is available on Github.

Block explorer

Reefscan is the main block explorer for Reef chain. It also supports full interaction with EVM smart contracts.


Remix IDE

Developers can use Remix IDE for Reef chain to quickly deploy and test their smart contracts.


EVM Playground

You can deploy and interact with smart contracts via EVM Playground UI.


Developer Console

You can connect to the developer UI for different networks:

Mainnet | Testnet

The metadata syncing with the Reef browser extension will be offered to you automatically. Just click accept.

Developer SDKs

Reef for JS/TypeScript devs

We provide multiple libraries to interact with the Reef chain. reef.js can be used for both Substrate as well as EVM module interaction. An evm-provider.js wrapper around the reef.js strives to make the EVM module interaction easier - it is compatible with the ethers.js library. The hardhat-reef plugin goes a step further and allows to be used in the Hardhat framework - you can easily compile/deploy/interact with the contracts in a single project.

See the corresponding page describing JS libraries in detail.

Reef for Python devs

Developers can use our Python library to interact with Reef chain.

Getting Started | Documentation


You can ask technical questions in our Discord server.