Reef extension is kind of like Metamask, but for Reef Chain. You can get it for Chrome. Extension can also be installed manually in Chrome/Brave/Opera/Arc or Firefox browser.
If you are a developer, check out the integration guide.
Manually Install on Chrome / Brave / Opera / Arc Browser
Go to the source file by clicking here
Click on the download icon at top right
After downloading the file , unzip it.
Open Chrome/Brave/Opera/Arc browser and click on the three dots at top
- After clicking three dots, a menu will be there , from there hover over
and click onManage Extensions
- Enable developer’s mode by clicking on the switch at top right
- Click on Load Unpacked at top left
- Select the Folder which you unzipped at Step 3 and click on
- Now you can see Reef Extension here
- To access it easily on all web pages, click on top right Puzzle icon and Click on Pin , to Pin the Reef Extension
Manually Install on Firefox Browser
Go to the source file by clicking here
Click on the download icon at top right
- After downloading the file open Firefox and type
in url input.
Click on the puzzle icon
at top right
now click on Extensions
from the left Menu.
Then open settings in Manage Your Extensions
page and select Debug Add-ons
- On
page clickLoad Temporary Add-on
button and select downloaded source.zip file.
- Extension is installed in browser and you can pin it to toolbar from menu.
What is Reef Extension for?
Reef extension is a browser extension that allows one to safely interact with Reef chain ecosystem without exposing the private keys. It can:
- Create Reef chain accounts (wallets)
- Safely sign transactions in Reef and community apps
- Bind Ethereum addresses and interact with EVM smart contracts
- Serve as a bridge between Ledger hardware wallets and the Reef ecosystem
Reef extension is supported in the following apps: